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Out with the Old & In with the New (sort of)

Nigeria has finally decided. With elections over, our president will no longer be Goodluck Jonathan. Instead, he was ousted by Muhammadu Buhari, who won by over 2.5 million votes. The reason this election was so controversial was the fact that Mr. Buhari, a retired Major General, is no stranger to having power. Buhari was Head of the State of Nigeria from 1983 to 1985 after a successful military coup allowed him to take power. For this reason many Nigerians, even those living outside of country, were skeptical of him running for president and are still skeptical of how his presidency will go. Others cried out that change was necessary because of the lack of work President Jonathan was doing. Regardless of how the election turned out, I believe that many Nigerians were just happy that election day went smoothly with no violence or conflict. The election is over. The results are in and all I know is that much is still needed to be done. "Nigeria, we hail thee"


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